
发布时间: 2016-04-12  浏览次数: 508

刘勃麟,曾用名: 刘博。 197317日出生,自由艺术家, 雕塑家,1995年—1999年在滨州教育学院美术系(现滨州学院美术系的前身)任教。在北京、上海、巴黎、威尼斯等国内外大都市举办过个人作品展。精通隐身术的他,一次次消失在街角、废墟、广场,甚至在国外都流传着他隐身的传说。《英国每日邮报》刊登了他的第二波作品,称比第一波更隐形。


19984 98海洋作品展 名人画廊

20017 01海洋雕塑作品展 北京通道

20072月 刘勃麟作品展 巴黎

20073 "蜕形 "刘勃麟个人作品展 北京大山子艺术区

20074月 刘勃麟个人雕塑作品展 北京大山子艺术区

20085月 刘勃麟个展 上海







The invisible man returns - and he's harder to pick out than ever

Now you see him - now you don't.

Liu Bolin, the Chinese artist who has become world famous through his 'invisible art', is back with some his most jaw-dropping work yet.

His latest exhibition at the Eli Klein Art Gallery in New York shows him melting into backdrops including shelves packed with soft toys, fruit and veg and a magazine rack.


Seamless: Artists spend hours carefully painting Liu Bolin from head to toe so he can blend in to the background


Vanished: An incredible attention to detail is required for Liu Bolin to blend into backgrounds such as these shelves full of soft toys


Blink and you'll miss it: Travellers could be forgiven for not noticing artist Liu Bolin hiding at this bus stop


Popular: The images have gathered critical and public acclaim across the world


Disappearing act: No matter how complex the backdrop, Liu Bolin manages to become virtually invisible to the naked eye

Each picture takes hours of painstaking work, as artist's spend up to ten hours at a time covering Liu Bolin in paint so that he blends seamlessly into the background.

The 40-year old is such a perfectionist, bystanders often walk by with no idea he is even there until he moves.

This new series of photographs feature some of his most eye-catching works to date.

In one, he somehow manages to disappear in front of a wall covered in mobile phones and stood on the harbour with a huge naval ship in the background.

The Chinese national, who has gathered critical and popular acclaim around the world for his body of work, says the pictures make a statement about his place in society.

'Each one chooses his or her path to come in contact with the external world. I chose to merge with the environment,' he said about his upcoming exhibition.


Patience: The artist spends up to ten hours at at time to ensure the effect is inch perfect


Frozen like a statue: The artist has no problem disappearing even in an outdoor environment such as in front of this Chinese statue


Thin air: Artist Liu Bolin says his 'invisible' pictures make a statement about his place in society


Art imitating art: A wall covered in graffiti provides another fascinating backdrop for Liu Bolin to disappear


Camouflage: The artist blends in with rows and rows of people dressed in red hoods in this picture posed in Beijing


Fading away: The artist creates his own version of a family portrait with a mother, father and child stood in front of a lantern shop in Beijing 

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